Tuesday, August 19, 2008

UpDate on LIttle Bit

Little Bit is still in FOSTER CARE and is waiting on the new system to open so she can find a FOREVER FAMILY. I hope to get new pictures soon when Lou goes to pick up Essie. These are the last two sets of pictures of the BEAUTIFUL PRINCESSA. Please keep her in your prayers as well as the LUCKY family that hope to adopt her someday....who ever they may be! No one knows how referrals will go if and when they ever re open. I am just praying that no matter how they go...I will know where Elizabeth goes home to! We love you sweet girl and you are always in our hearts and on our mind. The first three pictures were eary summer...LOOK at that ROUND FACE. the last two pictures were taken in MARCH. I love seeing how much she has filled out and she looks so HEALTHY. I know her Foster Family LOVE her so much...I am sure they are caring for her with no pay....just LOVE!

I was so HAPPY to see her in this outfit. This outfit is one of the ones I took down to her and to me it just says ELIZABETH...
By the way the outfit is a 6 month size...and the sleeves are rolled up...looks like she is still "little bit" to me
Hello PEOPLE....I am just down her in Guatemala TWIDDLING MY THUBMS....waiting on my FOREVER FAMILY....PLEASE GUATEMALA let me go the USA someday SOON